Friday, February 26, 2010


Bayli had her asthma/sinus/allergy/reflux checkup yesterday. Her lung function wasn't too bad, but the left side of her nose had a sore spot in it with some blood (sorry for the grapic picture) and the right side was nearly swelled shut. I so feel for what she suffers through with sinus problems. I don't know how at 11 she deals as well with what she goes through. She has been having reflux trouble too and she already takes 40mg of Zegerid at night, which is a pretty good dose of medicine and they are now adding Zantac 150 in the mornings for several weeks to see if this will help. They said sometime some people need a little extra help. How exactly do you get extra help to pay for yet another med? They also told us to start really watching her diet for the reflux more than we already do. We go easy on spicy, fruit juice, fatty, greasy etc. At least she is a water drinker and only occasionally drinks a soda and then never anything that contains caffeiene. Now we have to add more fiber and protein to her diet to which my husband said "what, is she an old lady?" and reduce the starchy foods and watch for hidden sugars (and avoid those). These people already know that she is lactose intolerant so who's going to help me at the grocery store read labels for yet another issue? All that's going to be left to eat are carrots and water and then what am I supposed to do watch her turn orange for entertainment? No really I should be thankful and I am thankful that none of her problems are life threatening. We will just have to suck this up and all learn to eat differently again. Things could be worse. I would just like to be able to once watch her go to a birthday party and actually eat the cake and ice cream they have without worrying if the lactose pills are going to be enough or is she going to get sick, or can she even use the pills because she used them one or twice this week (she can't use them all the time like most people can) or carting our own cake around everywhere. I guess she deals better than me because she doens't know any different. She's been doing this since birth and I know what she is missing because I can eat it.

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