Monday, July 27, 2009

Oink Oink

Yep that's right I said oink oink. We woke up yesterday morning and found a pig in our yard. We have no idea where it came from. Of course me being the animal lover that I am starts scrambling for something to feed it. And what do I come up with, but a hot dog! Bayli runs to her dad and says "mom's feeding it a hot dog, don't hot dogs have pig in them?" He said yes they do, but I said I was just going to think it was a turkey hot dog. The pig had no problem with eating two of them! Besides, Bayli was standing there are the porch watching the pig saying how much she would like to have some bacon. I thought that was uncalled for. Unfortunately for me and yeah for Lealan the pig was gone when we got home from church. I was hoping it would stick around. I was going to name it Pork Chop.

Cowboy Up!

Saturday night we went to Johnny and Rachel's for a cookout and he had rented a mechanical bull for us all to ride. It's been a long time since I've been on one. We had a blast! We all rode over and over. Even Bayli got in on the action. Of course now we are all bruised, sore, and have knots all over our legs, but it was so worth it! Bayli wants to have a birthday party with a bull now. We told her we may have us a cookout next summer and rent one after we all heal up.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I've done enough for you!

Well as you know I got stitches is delicate areas and with them being there I really can't doctor them too well. Since Lealan isn't home this responsibility falls to Bayli, much to her dismay. I think her actually reaction was "You want me to do what where?!" Not at all excited about it to say the least. Well yesterday morning was the first time for her to do this. I had to have vaseline put on them and then bandaged back up and the first 2 were ok, but with the third being in such a delicate area as your butt crack, she was very hesitant. She did finally do it wonderfully and then ran out of the bathroom like she was shot out of a canon. I was wearing a black slick material shirt that ties in the back and because of the slick material it never stays tied for long. We were just walking into the YMCA that morning to drop her off and I had just got to the counter and realized I had come undone and when I mentioned it Bayli looked up at me and said "I've done ENOUGH for you today" and then she turned and preceded to walk away. Connie, one of the counselors, laughed and tied me up. Yep it's pretty obvious that when I get old she will ship me directly to the nursing home.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Well, I am all stitched up now in places stitches aren't supposed to be. I had to go have 3 moles removed which is no big deal for me, but it gets interesting. One was on my back and 2 on my butt. Who even gets moles on their butt. Nobody should, it should not be allowed. One is on my butt cheek and the other is like at the top of my crack. Now I am all bandaged up and well let me tell you band aids in your crack, it ain't normal! They used special stitches that make better scars, but aren't as durable so they put in some special stitches for sitting purposes... who cares about scars there. Nobody is going to see it so why not just use the durable ones so I don't go to sit down and my stitches bust out. Not only that I usually cut my own stitches out, but with all these I can't reach them so I told them Lealan would cut them out so I didn't have to drive back down there and pay another co-pay. Well, it turns out that those special stitches require special cutting out skills. I left the office with a sticky note that had pictures drawn like a map so Lealan would know which ones to cut first and then pull. He's going to love it! He may back out of this whole stitch cutting thing after he sees the sticky note.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's been a while!

It has been forever since I have been on here, but it has been busy busy. I do have a funny little store to tell about Bayli. Sometimes she says the funniest things. We are having homecoming at church Sunday and after it is over the guys always go golfing. Well, me and him were discussing what me and the girls might do yadda yadda and Bayli pipes up "hello, third wheel here!" It was so funny, but she is right we were not discussing what she would be doing while we were both busy. So much for just saying, hey what am I doing. Right now I am busy with Lingerie and Bachelorette party planning. We are going to have a blast. I finished the invites and just have a few more to pass out. We are going to do our Lingerie shopping on Sunday after church and I can't wait!