Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Well, I am all stitched up now in places stitches aren't supposed to be. I had to go have 3 moles removed which is no big deal for me, but it gets interesting. One was on my back and 2 on my butt. Who even gets moles on their butt. Nobody should, it should not be allowed. One is on my butt cheek and the other is like at the top of my crack. Now I am all bandaged up and well let me tell you band aids in your crack, it ain't normal! They used special stitches that make better scars, but aren't as durable so they put in some special stitches for sitting purposes... who cares about scars there. Nobody is going to see it so why not just use the durable ones so I don't go to sit down and my stitches bust out. Not only that I usually cut my own stitches out, but with all these I can't reach them so I told them Lealan would cut them out so I didn't have to drive back down there and pay another co-pay. Well, it turns out that those special stitches require special cutting out skills. I left the office with a sticky note that had pictures drawn like a map so Lealan would know which ones to cut first and then pull. He's going to love it! He may back out of this whole stitch cutting thing after he sees the sticky note.

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