Thursday, December 30, 2010


This is a picture of all the pens I have on my desk at the moment. Really? Do I need all these? I could lie and say no, but the truth is: Hi, My name is Brandi and I have an office supply/pen problem. Is there a 12 step program for that? If there is keep it to yourself I like my crazy! Who doesn't love pens? I get excited when I get a new batch of pens. I have to test them out immediately to see if they are going to join the others on my desk, in my purse, in my bag I carry everywhere along with my purse, etc... There is just something about a brand spankin' new pen that gets the blood flowing. For me this kind of goes for any office supplies as well. I love little note pads, cutesy paper clips, baskets to put it all in. All the better to make list with :-) And have I mentioned how much I LOVE lists. Oh the feeling of such satisfaction when I get to use my handy dandy pens and scratched an item off the ol' list. I must kill a lot of trees because I can never scratch everything off the list before making a new one. I guess I don't like messy lists. I know you're thinking I'm crazy, but really who cares. I got my crazy, you got yours. The other difference is you're still in denial over yours. I've accepted mine in all it's crazy glory!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The McSpadden's

When I was adding our pic and labeled it "The Mc's" it brought back a funny memory. Bayli was probably in Kindergarten or First Grade and we were eating at a restaurant in Pikeville and Bayli of course was talking to people at other tables. Don't know where she gets her talkativeness from? The lady at one table asked her what her name was and Bayli replied "Bayli of THE McSPADDEN's". Like we were important royalty or something. That lady found it very hilarious.


Meet Cecil, soon to be the next member of the McSpadden family. Yep we named before we have even seen him in person. That's just the way we roll and when a name is perfect it's perfect. He is half English Bulldog half Bassett Hound. We can not wait to get a hold of him! Wonder if he will be super lazy? For all of ya'll that don't know me I am a total animal lover. I don't care what kind of animal so if it's close to the house I start running with food and trying to make it a pet. So for someone like me to have to wait on actually bringing my puppy home it is MURDER!! Thinking about our new puppy gets me thinking about my past dogs. There were many: Starsky & Hutch, Bogie & Bacall, Spot (everybody had a dog at one time name Spot), Carmel (yes this is how we spelled it), Hootie, Dog, Sugar, Spizwink.... and on and on... Carmel loved to chew gum and Sugar bless her heart had the most patience I believe. You see when I was little I was attacked by a dog. It pawed my face all up and slit my eyelid all the way across so that it had to be glued back together. Thank God for glue because it would be super weird to see everything and not even have to actually open your eye. Mom and Dad thought that I would be scared of dogs after this, but they were wrong. We got home from the ER and I went to play. Mom started hearing this gagging type sound and went to find me. I tended to need a lot of supervision. Still do :) She found me with our dog Sugar (not the one who attacked me, that was our dog Dog) who was the sweetest beagle ever. I was trying to teach her to drink out of a straw. I thought I was doing pretty good until mom made me quit.