Friday, December 12, 2008

So much to do!!!

There is much to do this weekend. With the surgery on Thursday we are going to get the house cleaned real good and all the clothes washed up. We have to buy the final 2 Christmas presents, because nobody wants me buying presents in my drug induced stupor! Bayli has to finish her book report that is made out of a shoebox. It is a shoebox float, i guess they are going to have a book report parade?!?! When I was in school we just wrote a page or 2 about the book we read and turned it in. The last book report she did had to be a diary, or a comic book, or done as an advertisement. I am so glad I am out of school, but I am not sure I am going to pass the 5th grade! If I remember I will take a pic of the "float" and post it on here for all to see.

1 comment:

  1. At least you have made it to 5th...can u believe I can actually remember 5th grade??? I'M not sure I will make it out of 2nd. I ask again...why are they learning diagraphs & what are they????
