I thought I might try telling some of my childhood stories on here. Bayli loves hearing them over and over and this seems easier than repeating myself. She can ask I can just say go read the blog :-) I will try to start at the beginning, but don't get mad if I skip around. I will start adding in some Bayli stories too!
Once upon a time on February 24, 1978 the world was blessed with one, Brandi Renee (shout out to Aunt Tammy for the Renee portion.) Swafford. Born about 3 weeks late, but hey I’m on my own time. Dad being the funny guy that he is came out to the waiting room and told everyone it’s a boy with (holding his hands a little apart) a thing this long! You just have to know my dad. He's always got something funny to say. He then revised it to it’s a girl with hair this long. See, where this came from was, the length of my hair and the way it grew, okay still grows. Yes, I am revealing my deep dark secret; I was born with a rat tail. For some odd reason my hair had grown like a “v” in the back so it sort of looked like a rat tail and it was long, like down between my shoulder blades long. It still wants to grow longer in the middle than the sides, but I have a wonderful hairdresser who takes care of me! Maybe I started the whole rat tail era, but thank God it ended! But enough about rat tails lets get back to the perfect child that has just been born. Those of my family members, and I know who you are, should quit laughing right this minute.
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