Friday, July 16, 2010


Tuesday we had Bayli's 7th grade orientation for 3 hours. As if I wasn't depressed enough realizing that my baby was going to be in the 7th grade, but I also had to sit through 3 hours of several different people reminding me that she is growing up. I swear she was just in Kindergarten last week! We got her class schedules, met all her teachers, and realized how much money we would be putting out from now until school starts. All the school supplies, clothes, shoes, workbooks, planners, trips... And then when school starts it will be more each week for this and for that. It never ends. Well enough of my complaining. I have actually considered taking a math class at Chattanooga State just to be able to help her with her homework. She got put in honors math so (fingers crossed) she won't need help?! I mean she's in honors math, doesn't that mean she should be able to do it all by herself? Mr. Gravitt, the math teacher, said they would also be working in the 9th grade math book. Well, what's she going to do in 9th grade, NASA math? We went to school and actually had gym every day and some free time and recess and now they don't have any free minutes at all and come home with lots of homework.

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